Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 11:09am
The InterNeighborhood Council of Durham has organized a County
Commissioners' Candidates Forum for
Wednesday, March 28, from
6:45 to 9:00 P.M. at the North Carolina Central School of
Education Auditorium. All fourteen candidates for Durham County
Commissioner have agreed to participate that evening. Doors will
open at 6:30 PM.
All five Commissioner seats are up for election this year, and,
because there are only Democratic candidates running, the
Democratic May primary may be tantamount to election. Bob Ashley,
Submitted by admin on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 4:03am
At our annual meeting in May we will hold elections for 2 seats on the DCCA Board of Directors, one of which is an open seat. WE NEED CANDIDATES! If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please contact any member of the DCCA Board for information. Please send a short bio and statement including how long you have lived in Downing Creek, qualifications that would make you a good Director, and your vision for Downing Creek. Send nominations to all the DCCA Directors with the address.
Submitted by Rebecca Board on Sun, 03/04/2012 - 11:37pm
I’m sure you’ve noticed the 3 story building going up at the NW corner of Hwy 54 and Farrington Rd. It’s difficult to miss. The developer is also considering building two additional 7 story buildings and a parking deck directly behind this -- where the church now sits. No roadway improvements are being proposed even though this area is identified for some major changes by the Hwy 54 Corridor Study. The developer is hosting a neighborhood meeting on Saturday, March 10 at 2pm, on the site at 5436 Farrington Rd.
Submitted by Rebecca Board on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 7:48am
The final public information session on the Highway 54 Corridor Study will be held Monday, February 13th at Chapel Hill Town Hall in the first floor conference room. The informal session will be open from 3pm to 6pm, and anyone who wishes to learn more about the project may drop-in at any time during the session.
The Hwy 54 Corridor Study will be reviewed by the Durham Planning Commission on Tuesday, February 14, the following night, at 5:30pm in Durham City Hall. Any member of the public may attend and sign up to speak at this public hearing.
Submitted by Rebecca Board on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 7:38am
The Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee has approved the routing of a future light rail corridor connecting Durham and Chapel Hill through the Hwy 54 Corridor. There are two options for this route, known as C1 (through Meadowmont) and C2 (along Hwy 54 and across the intersections with Barbee Chapel Road and Downing Creek Parkway), and both of these will be advanced for further analysis. It may be several years before the actual route through the area will be determined.