Some Facts About Downing Creek
Downing Creek is a Planned Urban Development in the city and county of Durham. though we have Chapel Hill addresses and phone numbers. The neighborhood contains both single family homes, townhouses, and condominiums. We are governed by the Downing Creek Community Association, our neighborhood association, which has a Board of Directors composed of 5 elected Downing Creek property owners. The DCCA does charge semi-annual dues to maintain the association and the common property owned by it and used by all residents.
Here are some of the things your dues cover (note that this list is not all inclusive):
- Maintenance of 47 acres of common areas
- Maintenance of the front and back entrances and each decorative street corner
- Costs associated with the irrigation system at front entrance and by the pool
- Pond management of 2 ponds (contract for pond management)
- Luminaries along the Downing Creek Parkway on Luminary Night
- 4-6 neighborhood social events per year
- Maintenance of jogging trails, tennis courts, the playground and associated parking lot
- Tree removal of dead trees on the 47 acres where a danger is present
- Annual flower planting at both entrances and at the street corners
- Upkeep of the DCCA owed corner decorative lightposts
- Property management
- Tax filing and payments and associated CPA fees
- Telephone, gas, water, stormwater (sewage), and electrical utilities bills
- Holiday season entrance and corner decorations
- Tree and shrub (landscaping ) replacements as needed
- Pinestrawing and mulching in common areas and sand replenishing in the playground
- Costs associated with bad checks or late dues collections
- Maintenance of the blacktopped path/concrete sidewalk running throughout Downing Creek
- Legal fees as needed
- Mailing fees for invoices, photocopying costs for the newsletter and other items such as the neighborhood directory
- Costs associated with holding the required DCCA Annual Meeting
- Other costs that I have missed, are minor, or of a sporadic/one time nature
NOTE: None of these costs are associated with the swimming pool or tennis courts which have their own fees and are essentially self-supporting