Your Ballot/Proxy Is Needed!
If you will not be attending the Downing Creek Annual Meeting on Monday evening, please turn in your ballot/proxy ASAP! These need to go to the dropbox by the pool since there is no time left to mail them. Based on the ballots returned so far, we do not yet have quorum, and of course we never know how many to expect at the meeting.
If you don't feel comfortable voting, you can still help with the quorum issue by turning in your proxy and letting someone you trust vote for you. You are also welcome to assign your unvoted proxy to the DCCA Board if you like. Heck, I suppose you can even cast one vote for each of the three candidates and turn it in that way if it works for you.
IF YOU HAVE LOST YOUR BALLOT... I have spares in the white box under by mailbox at 10 Winslow Place, or you can download a copy here.