Downing Creek's Annual Luminaries, Saturday, December 5th
Announcing Downing Creek’s Annual
Luminary Night (Winter Wonderland) & Caroling
Saturday, December 5th
Luminary Sales & Setup on Parkway 2-5pm
Kids Christmas Market 4-5:30
Luminary Lighting 5:30-7pm
Caroling & Cookies – 5:30-7pm
Rain Date – Sunday, December 6h
NEW FOR THIS YEAR - The Mom’s Club is planning a Kids Christmas Market. Kids will sell crafts and cookies at the pool parking lot. Come over to shop when you pick up your sand and/or kits. If your child would like to sell something or if you'd like to help with the market go to
CAROLING, COOKIES AND HOLIDAY GATHERING - After lights are lit, decorate your wagons, wear your tacky sweater or shirt and stroll on over to the pool parking lot for hot chocolate, cookies and caroling. You may win a prize for the best decorated wagon or tackiest shirt. Volunteers needed to bring cookies, chocolate and musical instruments. If you'd like to help, go to
HELP OUR NEIGHBORHOOD SHINE! To keep this tradition going we need lots of volunteers. We need people from each street to setup and light kits on sections of the Parkway near their streets. Volunteers will meet at the pool parking lot at 2PM on Luminary Day. Families and children are welcome to help as it’s a fun and appropriate for young helpers! We also need volunteers to light candles just before dark. If you’d like to help, contact Lynn Culton at
If you will not be home for this event, please consider purchasing the kits and asking your neighbors to set them out. When everyone participates our streets are more beautiful and everyone in the community enjoys the night even more.