Downing Creek Mom's Club Plans Neighborhood Yard Sale - Saturday, April 8th

Spring is in the air and for most of us that means one thing: Spring cleaning!

If you were looking for a reason to clean out the attic and those overflowing closets, now you've got one. The Moms' Club is sponsoring a neighborhood yard sale on Saturday, April 8th from 8am to noon. Each home is welcome to sell anything they like directly from their driveway or front yard. The sale is also open to our neighborhood artisans who can sell art, jewelry, soaps and lotions, etc., directly from their homes or from a table in the pool parking lot.

To pull off this sale as best we can, the Moms' club is requesting a $10 donation for each participating house. The donation will go towards promotion and marketing materials as well as signage and maps indicating the participating homes. The remainder of the donations will go into the Mom's Club account to pay for toys for the playground and extra prizes and activities for neighborhood parties. If you would like your home to be listed on the map, please let Cathy Pierce know by March 1st ( and drop an envelope with your name and $10 cash or a check made out to Beth Ulrich in the pool mailbox.

In addition, a truck from Habitat for Humanity Restore will come to each house to pick up unsold items between 2pm and 5pm the same day! You can find a list of items Restore will gladly accept at the bottom of the page.

We hope to make this sale a huge success and welcome any questions you have!


Building and construction materials including:





light fixtures





lumber (de-nailed and over 6 feet long)

Kitchen & household goods

Mattresses & Box Springs


Working appliances

Antiques and collectibles

Decorative items and art



Working TVs (less than 10 years old)


Video games, CDs and DVDs