Downing Creek Managers

Downing Creek is managed by individuals selected by the Board of Directors instead of using a property management company as is done by most associations. We do this so that we can select people who are personally invested in the neighborhood and committed to our community. It also gives us more control over the individual contractors used to care for different aspects of the neighborhood common property. Please note that both these positions are part time and the offices are located in homes. We therefor ask that you confine your calls to normal business hours except for true emergencies. Please do leave a message if there is no answer on the office phone. Thanks.

Business Manager

Homeowners, realtors, and closing attorneys should contact the Finance Manager, Karen Burke with questions about homeowner association dues. You can contact her by phone at 919-968-1352 or email  The mailing address is Downing Creek Community Association 1254 Falmouth Court Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Community Association Manager

Contact the Community Association Manager, Cathy Pierce with questions or comments about the day-to-day maintenance in the community or to be added to the agenda for the next Board Meeting. The Property Manager can also loan you a copy of the approved paint palette. You can contact her by phone at 919-968-1303 or email  Mailing address is Downing Creek Community Association 1254 Falmouth Place, Chapel Hill, NC 27517